• LocationBrighton, East Sussex, Lewes Road, BN2 4AE**
  • Our Working HoursOpening times: 24 hours a day*
  • Phone Us!Call Now: 0344 947 0955

Call Now : 0344 947 0955

We Can Help Today!

When a window is damaged, be it broken glass or the window frame, our professional local Brighton glaziers are only a short distance away to fix the problem. We can also modernise your existing frames with more efficient window styles including double glazing, aluminum replacement windows and Low - E Glass.

For Brighton shop front windows we would use laminate glass, which conforms to BS 6206. Large and/or thicker than normal panes will usually be a next day service, dependant on glass dimensions. Our Brighton double-glazed units take approximately two to three days to order, and all our units come with a manufacturers guarantee.

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Brighton Glazing Testimonials

Customer Name: Keith Perry.
Thank you for your diligent attention to the problem and your high level of communication which is much appreciated.

Want to speak to an expert?
Call: 0344 947 0955

Example Of Our Glass Services

Tabletop Glass
We are able to supply and deliver a range of thicknesses and tints for tabletop glass, with polished edges supplied as standard. Upon request, we can shape the glass to customer's exact specifications to accommodate unusual installations. Toughened glass is used for tabletop glass by default. If we are supplying such glass, and there isnt a frame, we will need exact measurements to cut the glass to size.

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